Calculate & Pay
Zakat On Income

Salaries, Wages, Bonuses, Pensions, Incentives, Gratuities, Royalties, Rental Income, Commissions & Other Income

Here is the amount of RM……. as I pay Zakat on Income which is obligatory on myself /the party I represent for the year ………… in the name of Allah SWT

Zakat on Income

Zakat Minima : RM10


Zakat Minima :RM10

Zakat Maksima :RM30,000


Pay Zakat On Income

Here is the amount of RM……. as I pay Zakat on Income which is obligatory on myself /the party I represent for the year ………… in the name of Allah SWT

Zakat on Income

Zakat Minima : RM10


Zakat Minima :RM10

Zakat Maksima :RM30,000


Calculate & Pay
Zakat On Income

Calculate & Pay
Selangor Zakat On Income

Online Mudah Pantas

Rebat Cukai LHDN 100%

Zakat on Income


Select the type of zakat to make payment for


Calculate the amount of zakat to be paid


Fill in your information and make the payment


Get a receipt to claim your LHDN tax rebate

Pay Zakat on Income Easily


Select the type of zakat to make payment for


Calculate the amount of
zakat to be paid


Fill in your information and make the payment


Get a receipt to claim your LHDN tax rebate

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Benefits of Paying Zakat on Income

100% Individual Tax Rebate

Zakat payers will receive 100% tax rebates from the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia (LHDN)

2.5% Business Tax Rebate

Zakat payers will receive a 2.5% tax rebate from the Inland Revenue Board (LHDN).

Directly To Selangor Zakat Board

Your zakat payment will go directly to the bank account of the Selangor Zakat Board, without passing through any other entity's account

Zakat Distributed To Asnaf

The collection of Zakat proceeds is directly channeled to the Asnaf groups in Selangor through the Selangor Zakat Board

Choose & Calculate

Zakat On Income
100% Tax Rebate
Zakat On EPF
100% Tax Rebate
Zakat On Gold
100% Tax Rebate
Zakat On Investments
100% Tax Rebate
Zakat On Livestock
2.5% Tax Rebate
Zakat Fitrah
100% Tax Rebate
Zakat On Business
2.5% Tax Rebate
Zakat On ASB
100% Tax Rebate
Zakat On Gold Jewelry
100% Tax Rebate
Zakat On Stocks
100% Tax Rebate
Zakat on Crypto
100% Tax Rebate
Zakat On Crops
2.5% Tax Rebate
Zakat On Savings
100% Tax Rebate
Zakat On Assets
100% Tax Rebate
Zakat On Gratuity
100% Tax Rebate
Qadha of Zakat
100% Tax Rebate
Zakat On Takaful
100% Tax Rebate
Zakat On Paddy
2.5% Tax Rebate

Benefits of Paying Zakat On Income

100% Individual Tax Rebate

Zakat payers will receive 100% tax rebates from the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia (LHDN)

2.5% Business Tax Rebate

Company will receive a 2.5% tax rebate from the Inland Revenue Board (LHDN).

Directly To Selangor Zakat Board

Your zakat payment will go directly to the bank account of the Selangor Zakat Board, without passing through any other entity's account

Zakat Distributed
To Asnaf

The collection of Zakat proceeds is directly channeled to the Asnaf groups in Selangor through the Selangor Zakat Board

Sample of Zakat Receipt

Choose & Calculate

Sample of Zakat Receipt

Certificate of Appointment

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Zakat On Income

As Muslims, one of the five pillars of Islam is the obligation of paying zakat. Following the profession of faith (shahadah), prayers five times a day, and fasting in the month of Ramadhan, zakat is the fourth pillar, followed by pilgrimage to do hajj and umrah. The term zakat is often taken to mean “almsgiving”, referring to the obligation for an individual to donate a certain amount of their savings and wealth to charitable causes. However, the literal meaning of the word “zakat” is “to cleanse” (tazakka in Arabic) and this can be referred to the purpose of zakat which is to purify a Muslim’s earnings throughout the year. Hence, there is zakat on income for the salaryman and other types of zakats for the specific money-earning activities we engage in, such as conducting business and investing.


Other than purifying or cleansing an individual’s income, zakat is beneficial in many ways to the individual as well as the community or society. Among the benefits of zakat include:-


  • Helping the community and the ummah as zakat collected will be distributed to the needy including the poor, orphans and underprivileged students
  • Creating relationships between givers and recipients of zakat – although the zakat payer may not meet the zakat recipient, but on a whole the zakat payer is able to see the development and assistance provided as a result of zakat collection
  • Avoiding feelings of envy among other people and may even inspire the recipient group to improve themselves in order to be able to contribute to the ummah one day through zakat on their own wealth
  • Purifying wealth and income that may be a concern for zakat payers 
  • Uniting the community in economic matters, where both can discuss the best way to progress together in wealth accumulation.


Of course, paying zakat on income is also one of the opportunities for an individual to increase worship to Allah SWT as thanks for His blessings. 

What Is Zakat On Income

At the end of the Islamic calendar, a Muslim must pay zakat on their income, wealth, or savings of which the amount is above a certain threshold, called the nisab. The amount of nisab is set at the current value of 85 grams of gold or 612 grams of silver. In Malaysia, that amount has been set at RM29,961 for the year 2025 (Jan -June). 

Meanwhile, the minimum amount of zakat to be paid is set at 2.5% or 1/40 of the nisab. This can be seen in religious Islamic texts that highlight the topic of zakat, such as follows:-

In the Qur’an, Allah SWT says (which means):

“O’ you who have Faith! spend (in charity) of the good things that you have earned, and of what We produce for you from the earth, and do not aim at what is bad to spend thereof (in charity) while you yourselves would not accept it except that you connive at it, and know that Allah is Self-Sufficient, Praiseworthy.” [Al-Baqarah (2): 267]

There are, of course, many other Quranic verses as well as  hadiths that relate to zakat. Meanwhile, according to the Fatwa of the Federal Territory after it was decided by the Consultative Committee on Sharia Law, zakat on income refers to the compulsory payment on income that covers any wages, salaries, allowances, remunerations and bonuses (Subsection 34(1) of the Islamic Law Administration Act (Federal Territories) 1993 [Act 505]).

Who Should Pay Zakat On Income

There are three conditions that render an individual eligible and obliged to pay zakat on income or wealth:


  • One is a Muslim
  • One’s wealth that is eligible for zakat meets the minimum threshold nisab 
  • A lunar year (haul) has passed where the minimum wealth for zakat sustains the minimum threshold.

However, this does not mean that you are automatically obliged to pay the zakat if your income is equivalent to 85 grams of gold or RM29,961 per year. This is because the amount that zakat on income is obliged on is only for the amount left after all necessary spending has been subtracted. The zakat will then be obligatory only on what’s left and if it meets the minimum threshold. 

Zakat Tax Rebate In Malaysia

In Malaysia, payment of zakat on income is eligible for tax rebate when it comes to paying annual taxes. This provides relief to Muslims as they are not burdened with having to pay double the taxes. Moreover, it is understood that the zakat collected will be used for the betterment of society as a whole so it serves the same purpose as annual taxes.


When one files in their income tax, the rebate for zakat on income takes place before any offsets under Section 110 and any credit under Section 132 or 133 of the Income Tax Act (ITA) 1967. Zakat rebate on income tax is granted only under the following conditions:-

  • Zakat payments must be made to zakat institutions and not given directly to individual asnaf (hardcore poor)
  • There must be receipts given by the zakat institutions, in the name of the individual
  • The zakat that is paid was paid in the same year as the income tax assessment
  • While zakat payment may receive a 100% rebate, the rebate amount is limited to the taxable amount for income tax that year. Excess of zakat payment cannot be brought forward to the following income tax year.

Zakat On Income Calculator

If you are unsure of how to calculate your income on zakat, we hope you find our calculator useful for helping you figure out the minimum amount. 

Thank you for paying the zakat on income and may you be blessed with good fortune and rezeki for your generosity.

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