Calculate & Pay
Zakat On
Gold Jewellery

Here is the amount of RM……. as I pay Zakat on Gold Jewellery which is obligatory on myself /the party I represent for the year ………… in the name of Allah SWT

Zakat On Gold Jewellery

Zakat Minima : RM10


Zakat Minima :RM10

Zakat Maksima :RM30,000


Pay Zakat On Gold Jewellery

Here is the amount of RM……. as I pay Zakat on Gold Jewellery which is obligatory on myself /the party I represent for the year ………… in the name of Allah SWT

Zakat On Gold Jewellery

Zakat Minima : RM10


Zakat Minima :RM10

Zakat Maksima :RM30,000


Calculate & Pay
Zakat On Gold Jewellery

Calculate & Pay
Zakat On Gold Jewellery

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100% LHDN Tax Rebate

Pay Your Gold Jewellery Zakat Easily


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zakat to be paid


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Pay Zakat on
Gold Jewellery


Select the type of zakat to make payment for


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Benefits of
Paying Zakat

100% Individual Tax Rebate

Zakat payers will receive 100% tax rebates from the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia (LHDN)

2.5% Business Tax Rebate

Company will receive a 2.5% tax rebate from the Inland Revenue Board (LHDN).

Directly To Selangor Zakat Board

Your zakat payment will go directly to the bank account of the Selangor Zakat Board, without passing through any other entity's account

Zakat Distributed
To Asnaf

The collection of Zakat proceeds is directly channeled to the Asnaf groups in Selangor through the Selangor Zakat Board

Sample of Zakat Receipt

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Benefits of Paying Zakat

100% Individual Tax Rebate

Zakat payers will receive 100% tax rebates from the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia (LHDN)

2.5% Business Tax Rebate

Zakat payers will receive a 2.5% tax rebate from the Inland Revenue Board (LHDN).

Directly To Selangor Zakat Board

Your zakat payment will go directly to the bank account of the Selangor Zakat Board, without passing through any other entity's account

Zakat Distributed To Asnaf

The collection of Zakat proceeds is directly channeled to the Asnaf groups in Selangor through the Selangor Zakat Board

Choose & Calculate

Zakat On Income
100% Tax Rebate
Zakat On EPF
100% Tax Rebate
Zakat On Gold
100% Tax Rebate
Zakat On Investments
100% Tax Rebate
Zakat On Livestock
2.5% Tax Rebate
Zakat Fitrah
100% Tax Rebate
Zakat On Business
2.5% Tax Rebate
Zakat On ASB
100% Tax Rebate
Zakat On Gold Jewelry
100% Tax Rebate
Zakat On Stocks
100% Tax Rebate
Zakat on Crypto
100% Tax Rebate
Zakat On Crops
2.5% Tax Rebate
Zakat On Savings
100% Tax Rebate
Zakat On Assets
100% Tax Rebate
Zakat On Gratuity
100% Tax Rebate
Qadha of Zakat
100% Tax Rebate
Zakat On Takaful
100% Tax Rebate
Zakat On Paddy
2.5% Tax Rebate

Sample of Zakat Receipt

Certificate of Appointment

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Paying Zakat On Gold Jewellery

Among the precious metals that can be invested and traded, gold is the most popular and often promises the highest profits. Among the advantages of gold is that it does not corrode easily, is easily shaped and can conduct heat and electricity. In fact, it will not be destroyed if it burns and instead just melts and then hardens again when it cools. Therefore, it is not surprising if it is used as a currency in buying and selling activities. In addition, it is also the most valuable jewellery-making material compared to other metals including silver, bronze, platinum and others. Because of that, gold jewellery is deemed as a measure of a person’s wealth, so the payment of zakat on jewellery gold is imposed on the owner of gold jewellery other than gold for investment.

Dalil on Obligation to Pay Zakat on Gold Jewellery

There are many evidence that refer to the obligation to pay zakat on gold. Among them, in the Al-Quran there is a verse referring to the obligation to pay zakat on gold, which is as follows:

“And (remember) those who hoard gold and silver and do not spend it in the way of God, then inform them of (the punishment of) an indescribable torment. (That is) on the day that gold, silver (and property) will be burned in hell, then their foreheads, and their ribs, and their backs will be lashed with it (while saying to them): This is what you have kept for yourselves, by that is the taste (punishment of) what you kept.” (Surah At-Taubah; Verses 34-35)

Meanwhile, the Prophet SAW said, narrated by Abu Hurairah RA, which means:
“Whoever is the owner of gold and silver and does not pay his zakat, on the Day of Resurrection will be prepared for him a bed of fire heated by hell. With that fire his ribs and back will be burned.” (Sahih Muslim)

With these dalil, it is clear that zakat on gold must be paid on the gold we own.

However, exception is given on the amount of gold savings that is not enough nisab, which is as much as 85 grams. This can be seen from the words of the Prophet SAW which means:
“It is not obligatory on you anything that is on gold until there is 20 dinars (85 grams) and there has been enough obligatory haul on it half a dinar. Anything more than that, according to the same count.”(Hadith narrated by Abu Daud)

Similarly, the original law for gold jewellery is that it is not subject to zakat. This is determined based on the hadith of the Prophet SAW (which means):
“There is no zakat on jewellery.” (Hadith narrated by Ibn Jauzi in al-Tahqiq)

There is also a hadith narrated by Imam Malik in Al-Muwatta’ (which means): 
“Aishah RA used to dress some of her nieces who were orphans in gold ornaments, then she did not pay the gold zakat on them.”

Meanwhile, the former chairman of the International Union of Muslim Scholars, the late Dr. Yusuf al-Qaradhawi has said in Fatawa al-Mu’asirah: “It is well known that the jurists disagree about the obligation of zakat on women’s jewelry if it consists of gold and silver.”

However, the general opinion from the scholars and fatwa councils states that if the gold that is owned is excessive, it should be paid zakat on if it exceeds the limit of uruf that has been set in each state. This is stated in the hadith as follows (which means):

“From Amru ibn Shu’aib from his father from his grandfather, he said: “A woman met the Messenger of Allah with her daughter. On her child’s hand were two thick gold bracelets.” Then the Messenger of God SAW said to her: “Do you pay zakat on this jewellery?” The woman replied: “No.” So the Prophet said: “Do you want Allah SWT to put on you two forms of fire bracelets on the Day of Resurrection?”

Therefore, it can be seen here that indeed the gold of jewellery that exceeds the uruf needs to be paid zakat on.

Uruf Level For Gold Jewellery By State

Uruf is the value of local gold jewellery usage that is allowed and not subject to zakat. The following is the latest uruf rate for each state in Malaysia as of 2023:-

Johor: 850 grams
Kedah: 170 grams
Kelantan: No uruf
Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya: 800 grams
Melaka: 180 grams
Negeri Sembilan: 200 grams
Pahang: 500 grams
Perak: 500 grams
Perlis: 85 grams
Penang: 165 grams
Sabah: 152 grams
Sarawak: 90 grams
Selangor: 800 grams
Terengganu: 850 grams

For states where there is no uruf, this means that all jewellery made of gold must be paid zakat for, no matter how much it weighs.

Nisab and Zakat Rate of Gold Jewellery

For gold jewellery, the method of calculating the zakat charged on it is the same as the zakat on savings or investment gold. The difference is only the amount of uruf, as described above. However, the rate is the same which is 2.5% of the total gold owned.

Example of calculation:
For gold jewellery that is stored worth RM25,000 (according to the current value rate and after deducting the uruf level), then the amount of zakat that must be paid is as follows:-

RM25,000 x 2.5% = RM625

Investing In Physical Gold Is Different from Gold Jewellery

The most important factor in calculating the difference between physical gold for investment and gold jewellery is the uruf value. As informed, in principle, gold jewellery is not subject to zakat if it is worn by the owner at least once a year. However, if the owner of the jewellery has a collection of jewellery made of gold that exceeds the limit of uruf in the state where she resides, then it is obligatory to pay zakat on this excess value when the haul is sufficient.

Meanwhile, for physical gold that is stored or invested with the intention of increasing its value and becoming a source of wealth, it is obligatory to pay zakat on it if there is enough haul and nisab of 85 grams, as stated in the hadith above which is 20 dinars.

For more information about the zakat calculation of investment gold, check out this article and remember to pay zakat on gold jewellery for this year.

You can easily pay your zakat online via Bayar Zakat Malaysia.

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