Lembaga Zakat Selangor 2024

Lembaga Zakat Selangor (LZS) is an official institution which deals with the collection and distribution of the zakat (Islamic alms) in the Malaysian state of Selangor. LZS was set up to administer zakat contributions according to the workings of Islam and is bound by the laws of the Sultanate of Selangor; it performs the distribution responsibilities based on Islamic teachings for fair distribution towards the rightful beneficiaries.

Services and Objectives of Lembaga Zakat Selangor

The purpose of the establishment of Lembaga Zakat Selangor and the services LZS provides are as follows:

Zakat Collection: LZS receives many kinds of zakat from the public such as:

  • Zakat on Income (Zakat Pendapatan): Paid by Muslims depending on their income total in one year.


  • Zakat on Business (Zakat Perniagaan): Paid by Muslim business owners based on their net profit in one year.


  • Zakat on Gold & Silver (Zakat Emas & Perak): Refers to zakat on gold and silver owned as personal riches by the zakat-payer.


  • Zakat Fitrah (Alms during Ramadan): The ‘fitra’ or the compulsory alms which every Muslim must provide during the fasting period of the Islamic month of Ramadan.


  • Zakat on EPF Withdrawals (Zakat KWSP): Zakat to be paid on savings (upon retirement age) as well as withdrawals from the Employee Provident Fund (EPF, or Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja – KWSP).


  • Zakat on Agriculture & Livestock (Zakat Pertanian & Ternakan): Applicable to the total worth of harvest or livestock as assets.

Zakat Distribution: Money received by LZS is then donated to eight groups of Asnaf (people eligible to receive zakat) which are based upon the provisions of Islam:

  • Fakir (The extremely poor)


  • Miskin (The poor)


  • Amil (The zakat administrators)


  • Muallaf (New converts or reverts to Islam)


  • Gharimin (Individuals in debt with no way to pay off the debt)


  • Fisabilillah (Those working for the cause of Allah, including students furthering their education that will be useful for Muslims)


  • Ibnu Sabil (Travellers in need)


  • Riqab (Those in bondage or slavery)


Zakat Calculator: LZS offers an online Zakat Calculator tool through which one is in a position to determine the amount of zakat that he or she should pay in relation to the income, savings and other valuable property. This tool assists people to ensure they contribute their part of zakat that they are supposed to contribute.

Online Payment Services: LZS provides an online mode of payment so that Muslims in Selangor will be able to pay their zakat easily. LZS has provided many options to issue payments which are through online payment channels on LZS website such as credit card, debit card, FPX and online banking.

Education and Awareness Programs: LZS also actively engages in providing a channel through which the Muslim community is aware of the importance of zakat and the role it plays in uplifting the community. They engage in awareness creation through organising and conducting campaigns, seminars and public forums for educators to further create awareness to Malaysians on the importance of zakat and how it would make a difference to the needy.

There are many ways through which zakat can be paid conveniently, one of the most common methods is through Lembaga Zakat Selangor which is explained below on how to pay zakat through Lembaga Zakat Selangor.

Visit the LZS Website: Visit Lembaga Zakat Selangor’s official website where you can find the Zakat Calculator; and can also make payment online.

Zakat Calculator: You can now use the online tool to find out the payable zakat based on your income, savings and other financial resources.

Make Your Payment: After you are aware of the zakat amount to be paid, continue to the payment section. LZS offers secure online payment options, including:

  • FPX online banking

  • Credit/Debit cards

  • The use of automated paystub (for those who opt to have deductions made every month).

Payment Acknowledgment: Once you complete the above process of making your zakat payment, you will be provided with an acknowledgment and receipt for the payment that you have made in the form of zakat.


Advantages of Paying Zakat through LZS

Accountability and Transparency: LZS goes about its affairs with the highest level of propriety in the disbursal of the zakat funds, to the eight worthy categories of Asnaf.

Ease and Convenience: Thus, through the use of an integrated Online Zakat Calculator and payment gateway options, LZS has made it more convenient for Muslims within Selangor to fulfill their obligations to the less privileged by giving their Zakat.

Tax Rebates: Donations to LZS are exempt from taxes and Malaysians are in a position to claim rebates on the amount that they have paid to zakat hence subsidizing the overall tax rate.

Islamic Compliance: This way, LZS confirms that all the collections and distributions are being made in a lawful manner as per the regulations of the Islamic law which in turn grants the contributors full confidence that their zakat is being given to the deserving party.


Basic Information of LZS and Support Services

Website: www.zakatselangor.com.my

Helpline: LZS comes with a helpline for queries regarding zakat payment as well as its distribution. Call 1-800-88-5353 for assistance.

Office Locations: Their main offices are strategically located in several parts of Selangor and individuals can visit any of the centers for help.

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